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Johnie Dighero's Navy Days

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  The War Years.  Johnie and a friend  named Marion (?) Trent.  Click for full sized view.          Picture unlabeled.  Johnie and the girl is probably Bobbie Ann.  Click for full-size view.          This is from an album with many pictures of Dena and Johnie, perhaps while Johnie was at basic training in San Diego in 1942.  Does anyone know who the lady is?  Click for full sized view.          1942.  Johnie and friend (unknown). Click for full sized view.  

 Johnie and a friend. (Trent?)       Johnie and Bobbie Ann(?)           ...Dean's wife?           A friend from basic training.

>  The War Years.  Johnie, 1942. San Diego.  Click for full sized view.          1942. Johnie, Dean and a friend.  Picture unlabeled.          Although from the same period, this is a loose photo from a different roll of film than the others from San Diego.  Notice that it was printed backwards.  Click for full sized view.          

 Johnie taking it easy.      Johnie, Dean and a friend.     Johnie and Dean.

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